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Online Registration

In an effort to reduce paperwork, and make the registration process easier for our parents, we've developed this online registration system.

There are 5 steps to the process. The first step is the information that is common to all students in your family. The second step is entering information specific to each student. The third step is to review important disclosures, and give payment preferences. The fourth step is reviewing fees and tuition, with the option to pay fees online if desired. The fifth step is to eSign the enrollment contract and medical release.


Registration 2024-2025

Step 1: General Information

Student Information

Please enter the access code(s) for the child(ren) you are registering:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Primary Guardian Information

This is considered the primary school contact and primary residence for your child(ren) enrolled at ICCS.
This is the person who will be signing the Enrollment Contract and completing the registration process.

      Relationship to Student(s)

Contact Information

Home Address


Phone Numbers

Please DO NOT enter the same phone number multiple times.


      Work Phone

If remarried

Cell Phone Daytime Phone

Secondary Guardian Information

      Relationship to Student(s)

Contact Information

Home Address


Phone Numbers

Please DO NOT enter the same phone number multiple times.


      Work Phone

If remarried

Cell Phone Daytime Phone

Religious Information

If you are not a member of religious congreation, please put N/A in this field.

Religious Preference    

We collect the name and address of the church your family attends, if applicable, to allow us to personally invite your priest/minister/rabbi to join us in January for an all-campus ecumenical prayer service. Please complete this information. If you are a member of the Cathedral Parish, you may omit the address.

Name of Church    

Name of Priest/Minister/Rabbi    

Church Contact Information


Family Information
Siblings not attending ICCS

Name Date of Birth School

Name Date of Birth School

Name Date of Birth School

Name Date of Birth School


We collect this information to invite your child(ren)'s grandparent(s) to our annual grandparents day festivities.





Name Grades Attended Years of Attendance/Graduation

Name Grades Attended Years of Attendance/Graduation

Name Grades Attended Years of Attendance/Graduation

Name Grades Attended Years of Attendance/Graduation

Medical and Emergency Information
Alternate Release

In the event of inclement weather, emergency, or major disaster during school, my child may be released to the below-listed individuals.
Please do not enter your contact information. You will always be called first. This information is collected in the event we can not reach you.

Name Phone Alt. Phone

Name Phone Alt. Phone

Name Phone Alt. Phone

Name Phone Alt. Phone

Medical Insurance Provider    Policy #    Group #

Please provide an out-of-state family member's contact information for use in an emergency:

Name       Phone


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